Jacob Charo Karisa



Jacob Charo Karisa

Residence: Mtomondoni

What motivates me: Successful people who have paid a great sacrifice to obtain great achievement and this revives my aspirations.

Primary School

Mtomondoni Primary School-Mtwapa

Secondary School

Albstadt Helping Hands High School-Mtwapa

Favourite School Subjects

Physics, mathematics and chemistry

Career Aspiration

I would be pursuing a degree in Clinical Medicine and Surgery from Meru University Of Science And Technology


Playing football and reading literature materials

Personal Blog


I was in the EDD department and surely it was so interesting. I learnt that EDD studies how infections get along from one person to another. It comprises of 4 main sections; Invasive Bacterial Diseases (IBD), VEC (Viral Epidemiology Control), HGF (Human Genetic Factor), DSS(Demographic and Surveillance System) involved in studying about bacterial diseases, viral diseases, genetic diseases and mapping/census/verbal autopsy respectively. I also learnt of the ongoing studies e.g. NAHENDA STUDY (National Hypertension and Diabetes Survey), REACH STUDY (Realizing Effectiveness Across Continents with Hydroxyurea). I also met scientists who inspired me and also maximally informed me about the studies. The DSS trips were good and interesting.

It was very interesting learning about how we engage community members to create a mutual understanding between them and KEMRI –Wellcome Trust for the purposes of doing research. The engagement activities are; KCRs meetings, Radio programme, School Engagement programme, open days, community exhibitions, magnet theatre by Jukwaa arts. It was so wonderful attending even the KCRs meetings thus visiting new places in addition to learning about the engagement activity. The CLG members were cooperative, welcoming, shared information thus made it a nice experience to be there.

It was so inspiring to be here considering that I want to venture into the field of medicine. I learnt how to take patients records/history, check heartbeat rate, temperature, respiratory rate, how to admit a new patient, follow-ups on medical progress. I also learnt how to dispense drugs, prepare suspensions, count drugs, read prescriptions and understand them, about the research studies involving Kilifi Research Pharmacy e.g. CHMI, REACH, NEOFOSFO, TRAC II and many more. I also learnt the crucial roles of Kilifi Research Pharmacy [dispense, store, record about drugs and also store research drugs and files], WARD 1(Administer and treat children who are quite stable), HDU (Stabilize children in very critical conditions). It was so marvelous and very interesting.