School Leaver’s Attachment Scheme

The School Leavers’ Attachment Scheme

The School Leaver’s Attachment Scheme (SLAS), selects talented students from Kilifi who have just completed high school with excellent grades to go on a three-month attachment. Students gain valuable work experience in laboratories, hospital wards, computer departments and community interaction. This experience gives students an advantage over most other university first-years.


Following the release of the KCSE results, using a rigorous selection process, we recruit nine of Kilifi’s top performing students for the School Leavers’ Attachment Scheme.


The social restrictions imposed to minimise the spread of Covid-19 has sadly meant that we have had to put our annual school leavers’ attachment scheme on hold. We will unfortunately not be recruiting SLAS students for the year 2021.


We will communicate once we open the recruitment process.

Thank you

SLAS Videos

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