Alex Hinga




Social Scientist/Bioethicist

Current Work

Exploring the lived experiences and views of individuals in relation to long-term health and demographic data collection systems, such as censuses, towards ensuring that these systems are effective and ethical.


To contribute to the reduction of unnecessary human suffering by advocating for consideration of human experience when developing and implementing public health policies.


The Social Sciences (e.g. sociology) and the Humanities (e.g. ethics) cover a wide range of issues regarding individuals and human society. Therefore, social scientists/ethicists have diverse academic qualifications. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences, a Master of Science in Public Health and a PhD in Social Policy.


I play/like football because it teaches me how to work well in a team and to handle different experiences, from defeat and disappointment to triumph and joy. I like running – it has taught me to appreciate the gift of life and health and to be persistent.

Favorite subject

I play/like football because it teaches me how to work well in a team and to handle different experiences, from defeat and disappointment to triumph and joy. I like running – it has taught me to appreciate the gift of life and health and to be persistent.


To become a world-leading public health ethics scholar with expertise and influence on policies around health information systems.